QAS International
ISO 9001:2015
Registered Company
Certificate No: US4148
Proud Member
2016 - 2024
Kinetic Foam ™ Engineering Intl. - A division of Xaerus ® Performance Fluids Intl., has successfully developed an industry leading, patent pending, fire -fighting foam concentrate (K-Foam™) that outperforms all 3F, C6 fluorine containing products in a variety of Class A and Class B industry leading applications. Performance is on par with C8 PFAS containing products that have been banned in many regions around the world.
This proprietary technology platform contains unique ingredients not common to traditional fire foam products. This differentiated chemistry allows inclusion of high viscosity building polymers that would ordinarily be excluded due to extreme thickening of the end product rendering it unsuitable in practical use as a retrofit product.
* K-Foam ™ provides market leading safety when fighting large pool fires that require extended fire-fighting efforts to maintain extinguishment.
* The global fire foam markets are adjusting the C8 and C6 fluorinated foam concentrates to mitigate environmental concerns, related
to PFAS contamination and adverse health effects.
* Kinetic Foam Engineering Intl. is dedicated to developing innovative, class leading fluorine free solutions to the fire foam concentrate industry.
* K-Foam products have low viscosity, this allows for use in existing installations without any major retrofit.
Will you be prepared by 2026 with K-Foam?
K-Foam ™ can be used on a wide range of class B fires.
(UL 162 Type 3 0.10GPM/FT² application rate, burn back test and swirl)
ISO Accredited Independent Laboratory Testing and Consultation.
Approvals, Listing, and Standards
K-Foam ™ 3% fluorine free concentrate is designed in compliance with NFPA standard 11 and UL 162 standards. This foam concentrate exceeds and meets the requirements for the following specifications.
K-Foam ™ 3% synthetic concentrate meets the requirements of the US Environmental Protection Agency 2010 ECHA directive (EU 2017/1000). This concentrate is subject to strengent quality compliance throughout production and testing by an ISO 9001:2015 certified facility.
K-Foam ™ 3% synthetic concentrate is intended for use on Class B fires: such as Hydrocarbon fuels, crude oil, gasoline, diesel, rubber, and plastic.
This concentrate also has excellent wedding properties that can effectively extinguish Class A fires.
* UL 162, foam liquid concentrate
* EN 1568: 2008 parts 3 and 4
K-Foam Pail
5 Gal/ 19 Ltr
$400 per Pail
(min of 5)